Die Beste Aller Zeiten

Going direct to heaven, going direct the other way

The First Year

About one year ago I wrote the first post for this blog. Since then I wrote 117 posts that received 568 comments by 259 different visitors, and the statistic software counted ~ 65 000 visitors all in all (an average of 178 per day). So obviously I’m not an A-List Blogger (whatever that means) but it’s not that bad either. So thank you for visiting me, if there’s anything I can do for you don’t hesitate to ask (obviously that does not necessarily mean I’ll do it, but I will at least answer).


    “Place Here” Module User Guide Part II


    Class suffix, ordering, version number


    1. Hi,

      it’s here: http://diebesteallerzeiten.de/blog/module-15/

      Glad to hear you like the module 😉

    2. where do i download mod_contentitem for 1.5? (LOVE it for 1.0 and am building my first 1.5 site.)

    3. Na dan mal fröhliches Weiterbloggen!

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