My name is Eike Pierstorff. I used to to do freelance webdevelopement work, mainly frontend developement and CMS integration. Click here if you want to see a list of my projects (most of them have changed or are offline by now, though).

These days I work as an Web Analytics Consulant for spacedealer Gmbh  – agentur für online media & marketing Senior Implementation Consultant for Web Analytics (quite a mouthful) for e-dynamics GmbH Web Analyst for Idealo GmbH. I have a public, but sparsely updated presence at facebook (but I do eschew Twitter because I’m far to verbose to feel at home with a 160 character limit, and as for Google+ that confuses the heck out of me) and occasionally I spend time at stackoverflow trying to help people with their Google Analytics problems.  You can also find me at linkedin.

This is a private blog. All opinions stated on this blog are mine and mine alone and are not endorsed in any way by my employers.