The more time I spent with the wife (currently I’m with her six days a week, including the weekend and three overnight stays) the less time I have for anything else, including blogging. So instead of beautifully phrased sentences (or at least attempts at beautiful phrasing) here is a list, in no particular order, of things I want to get off my chest.

  • Not hearing her voice is the worst.
  • Related: I’ve always been leaning heavily on the wifes wisdom with my everyday worries. Whom do I lean on when my worry is that I can no longer do that (purely rhetorical – friends and family cannot replace her, but thank you for the offer) ?
  • Always check the TV program for the evening. Sometimes the nurses forget to turn of the TV, and you don’t want to have the wife having to watch the horror movie at eleven that follows the prime-time comedy show.
  • Being an efficient nurse is fine if you have a lot of patients that are expected to go home soon. Being an efficient nurse is not good if your work with stroke patients. Cleaning somebody’s teeth in two minutes is efficient, spending ten minutes assisting somebody to clean her or his teeth themselves is not; but it helps them learning to clean their teeth themselves.
  • At the wife’s place there are several efficient nurses. Thankfully there are a some of the other kind, too.
  • I am not good with paperwork.
  • This is all going very slowly, but there is progress.
  • I used to love Science Fiction, but it has become utterly depressing; everything is post-apocalyptic and pointlessly violent, albeit with excellent production values, and trodden out over endless episodes. The future will be a future of war, because if the war stopped there would be no sequels.
  • If I had believed that the future will be a shitshow I would not have let Siobhan survive.
  • I am still afraid of the future, but frankly that’s mostly about money. Healthcare costs a fortune.
  • Having to be the grown-up for 24 hours a day is terrible, how do you people all cope (rhetorical again – you probably don’t) ?
  • Sometimes I stop with things before I am fi– 
  • Not with the important things, though.